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We are small enough to care and big enough to scale.

For each project, we carefully assemble a dedicated brand team of account managers and creative minds. By bringing together different areas of expertise to collectively work on an idea, we can reinforce your brand. Our team of experts will collaborate closely with your team to ensure that your goals are achieved. After all, teamwork makes the dream work, right?

Meet the founders

Sacha Krinstinsky

Sacha leverages his extensive career experience of working with a diverse range of clients to bring brands to life. He has a deep understanding of how to effectively communicate and engage customers with their target audience. His keen interest in culture and art worldwide lies at the heart of his mood boards and concepts. He knows how to push boundaries in order to strengthen our creative work aligned with the client's business and marketing objectives.

Matthieu De Winter

Matthieu has years of expertise in advertising. He has experienced the shift from traditional marketing campaigns to a more integrated approach, where brands are in it for the long run. From this point of view, he started to take an interest in building brands. Since he worked for a variety of organizations, he sees both business and marketing opportunities. His business insights are naturally translated into a marketing plan, ready to realize the client's goals.

We are always searching for talent

We currently don’t have any job openings, but we are always on the lookout for passionate, unique and driven individuals. Whether you are an organization talent or a design hero, we’d love to find a place for you. Share your resume or portfolio with us and ignite our hearts.